داستان آبیدیک

hellenistic period


1 تاریخ:: دوران یونانی مآبی

In addition, the political, socio-economic, and cultural fusion that actually occurred during the Hellenistic Period makes clear that the Greek and Eastern civilizations were not merged or assimilated but rather fused together. In terms of political fusion, during the Hellenistic Period, the first great empire spanning the Eastern and Western cultural spheres was forged as part of a new political unification that occurred west of the Pamir Mountains based on Hellenism. Second, exchange between Eastern and West- ern civilizations during the Hellenistic Period also manifested itself in socio-economic fusion. These various facts demonstrate the socio-economic fusion be- tween the Mediterranean and Eastern worlds dur- ing the Hellenistic period. Finally, exchange between Western and Eastern civilizations during the Hellenistic period is also re- flected in cultural fusion.

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